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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blog #3 There are 2 types of ghosts, plain and simple, but many ways to haunt.

In ghost research, theory is used a lot due to not being conclusive. So each group has their own reasoning of the why's and how's and I have mine too!

I like to classify a ghost in 2 categories Low Level and High Level

Low Level Ghost (A ghost that has not crossed over.)

Upon death there is said to be tunnel and a light. We know this through the many cases of those who are still with us that have gone through this process and have came back. Actual medical cases of people who have clinically died and have come back to life and were able to tell us about the process.

  • The spirit or some say the soul leaves the body and is drawn to hover above the body to view themselves from below. Some don’t get that chance due to accident and the spirit can be actually pushed out upon impact.
  • The spirit will be called to move away and into the tunnel of light.
  • The spirit will hear someone they know and some will or will not see that person till a certain part of the journey.
  • Through the journey there is a life review. Views of highest points and lowest parts of their life, but this is a turning point of the process where sometimes a interruption is done and the spirit may be thrust back into their bodies or sent to a even darker spot. If everything goes well, you will be sent to a garden. The voice that called you into the tunnel will be there.

Now, here is the twist with low level spirits. They don’t go through the light or the tunnel. They stay and are reluctant to follow the calling. Too caught up in what just happen. How could I be dead? This is my house, my love, my children, my materialist things that keep me bound to this plane of existence. They stay to observe, confused in what just happened to them. I need to get this done, I need to see this thing happen, I need to make sure they find out about this or that, is the chains that binds the spirit to “our” plane. This is the plane of the living world as a mere shadow person.

There are some spirits that know they have not lived the most benevolent life. They have caused heart ache, pain and suffering. They have lied, cheated, stolen and even murdered throughout their life. These are ones that choose not to go thru. No confusion on why they stayed, they don’t want to go because of their religious views on being judged in the hereafter. They stay with their anger and frustration and try to manipulate this plane by use of fear. Benevolent and malevolent is a choice we make in life and in death. Even in the afterlife, they can still make a choice to be a good or bad spirit. Are these malevolent ghost demons or devils? NO, by all means, and to call them such is really a nonsense thing to do and I’ve seen this many time on many television shows on the paranormal.

To call a malevolent ghost a demon or devil is just like calling them a god or angel. You are giving them power that may not apply to what is really happening here. Malevolent ghosts or spirits are like people who chosen to be bad. A devil or demon is the essence of all that is bad. Do I believe in demons or devils? Well, raised catholic, I was taught to believe in such. Have I seen this? No…..not yet.

High Level Ghost (crossed over ghost)

These spirit have made their journey to the other side and have chosen to come back to see and relive a moment in time. Choose to come back to visit loved ones who need their comfort or to see the latest addition to the family. They are there to see births, graduations and weddings to those who they loved dearly and still have a connection to them or a place. That ball of light that seem to hover in pictures on that last reunion or baby shower. They also choose what kind of spiritual body to have. As a mature adult, only if they achieved that in life. As a young child, to feel innocence again and to have the energy they may have been so lacking as a adult. They come and go out of our life sometimes without notice, without judgment as well. Free of all the pain that carried with them on this earthy plane.

They come as warnings to us as well. A spirit that is aware of what might come or guide you away from harm. Precognitive spirits that may have crossed that road you are standing on or have been fell prey to the same situation you’ve gone or going through.

Now you know my views on why spirits may haunt or make a paranormal happening to occur.

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