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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog#8 “Can a ghost hurt me?” Poltergeist is not only a name of a movie!

Oh boy, this is a loaded question that I run across through our investigations in a haunting or on my ghost tour. I’ll try to answer this question the best I can.

Yes and No.

On my ghost tour, there are only a few poltergeists that move things around or make noise to try to scare you away. They are usually bound to a certain area and won’t be following you home after the tour. I have had some people say they have had dreams about certain spirits the night after taking my tour. This is not a haunting but just the subconscious mind reliving the stories and or events of my tour.

Most ghosts are harmless. They will be a shadow or something you might catch from the corners of your eyes that will startle you. Mentally, they can cause fear, confusion, or amazement. Some will like to play mental games by taking objects that you know that you placed in a certain location. Upon trying to relocate that item, it’s gone. You will go looking for that item, i.e. keys, glasses, a letter, clothing, only to find that item back to where you let it before.

Poltergeists are only 5% of haunting reported out of all haunts. Out of this 5%, 95% of the case can be debunked by reasonable means. Either it’s a prank, but many are case that there is a person in the house that may have a telekinesis (a person who is able to move things with their mind). This is often found with people who are under a lot of stress. Teenagers and the handicapped are a high percentage of these cases. There pint up anger and frustrations will manifest in an event of moving something or causes a violent reaction in their environment. If you seen the movie “Carrie”, that is the most extreme case of telekinesis. A cup or glass would fly off the table, radio stations will change their stations, and television sets will change their channel or even turn off.

The other 5% are known true poltergeists. Poltergeist is a German word which means “noisy ghost”. There objective to scare you away because they want to lay claim to your property, which they think is theirs. Very few of them will harm you directly, but there are known occasion of them that will scratch, bruised, poke, smack, pinch, bite, or worst yet rape. I’ve been very lucky in cases of poltergeists. I’ve been pinched on my nose, flicked my earlobe, scratched and was given the feeling of pain that they felt during the time of their demise. None of these events have caused me major medical problems and the scratches never lasted long or have caused me to bleed.

If you are ever come across a poltergeist in your home, call a paranormal investigator or ghost research for help. They will determine what you might be dealing with.

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