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Friday, September 18, 2009

Blog#11 Ghosts can be a drain.

In my many years of ghost investigations we’ve found out that we always have to carry extra batteries. I have a whole case just devoted to triple A, double A, C cell, and 9 volts. We consume a lot doing our nightly vigils seeking the unknown. Sometimes we feel like the delivery guy for a pizza for the ghost to consume as well.
While doing our research and using our equipment we sometimes come across equipment failure. Equipment that was working fine, fully charged and now lifeless and have no to little battery strength to finish what they suppose to do. That sudden drain of battery comes with the territory in chasing ghosts. That’s why the case of batteries that I carry for those occasions of equipment failure.
We found that ghosts need energy to do things. They collect it to do a couple of different things. One is to manifest. Manifest means to appear to human eyes. The entity will absorb from the atmosphere and our EMF detectors cans see this flux in electric magnetic field and that’s usually when the batteries will drain. I know it’s the worst time for equipment failure but it happens.

At the Richardson Estate in Wilton Manors, we did our nightly vigils inside the 2 story house. We invite PAS Paranormal Awareness Society to join us. One location gave us the most problems. First, we did have access to this part of the property but whenever we got close to the Carriage House, our camera would go dead. Switch batteries and yet again, equipment failure. It was first reported by PAS and then SEFGR was having the same problem. We can film from a distance, but as soon as we got close, dead.
So, for all those newbie Ghost Investigators out there, get ready. Try to look for those sales that come out every Sunday for batteries, you’re going to need them.

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