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Friday, October 29, 2010

John Marc Carr on WFTL 850 talk radio

John Marc Carr talks to Russ Morley on his morning talk Radio Show about the SEFGR's event for Fire Station #3 this Halloween Day, Oct. 31st 2010.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Added some new pictures take on my Fort Lauderdale Ghost Tour

Recently we've been getting unusual pictures of mist forming at the New River Inn, orbs at the Bryan Home and even a full apparition at the Stranahan House.

Click onto the slide show and it will take you to where the pictures are housed.
You can click onto each picture and view on you internet explorer 400% larger!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Annual Halloween Event at Haunted Fire Station #3

Sunday, Halloween Day
October 31st, 2010

SEFGR, SouthEast Florida Ghost Research will be having their annual Ghost Tour and Ghost Hunt with Seance on Sunday night this Halloween starting at 8:00 p.m.
We will be having 2 different events for that day.
Ghost tour will be at 8:00 p.m. till 8:45 p.m.
Price: $15 per person (savings from last years $25 donation)
Ghost Hunt and Seance will be at 9:30 p.m. till 12:30 a.m.
Price: $50 per person (savings from last years $75 donation)

Ghost tour will be hosted by SEFGR members, who will tell you haunted locations inside Fire Station #3. Listen to them as they share stories of Firemen/ladies who lived in the haunted Fire Station, plus give you details on Paranormal Investigations done by SEFGR. Hear EVP's of actual ghosts caught on digital recorders during our investigations. Watch the video of "Ghost Stories of Fire Station #3" by Comcast. Tour thru lounge, Fire Truck room and Berthing rooms of Firemen/ladies and maybe get a ghost story of your own to bring back home with you.

Ghost Hunt with Seance will be Hosted by SEFGR members and
Founder John Marc Carr, author of "Haunted Fort Lauderdale" by History Press.

Those attending will be broken into small groups for your own ghost hunt for Robert Leland Knight and 2 children who haunt this historical landmark.

Bring your own hand held equipment to the event. For those who don't have equipment, SEFGR members will be able to teach you with their own equipment. Seance will start at 12:00 a.m Midnight.

Don't miss out on this exciting chance to be part of a actual ghost hunt and seance!!! Limited seating, so make sure to reserve your ticket at the door (cash only) or to pay ahead via paypal (must bring in your printed reciept from paypal).

  Ghost tour $15

Ghost Hunt and Seance
$50 per person

Friday, May 21, 2010

Blog #35 Investigation at Medical Office in Fort Lauderdale

It was crisp night on February 14th, 2010, when SEFGR did its investigation on the ghosts that haunt this popular medical office. We arrived at 9 p.m. for a 3 hour investigation on 2 ex-employees who became recently departed and seem to be causing a haunt at the medical office. Joining us was the head medical doctor of the office and a couple of the employees. All was excited to find out what is haunting this office.

Haunt background….

 Strange phone calls from within the office from areas with no one at the other end.

 Phones message of a medical records binder slamming on desk.

 Bathroom doors would turn as if someone was trying to get inside (this occurred in early morning hours, when office is not open yet.

 Mumbling sounds of someone trying to communicate. No define words, very muffled.

 Sounds coming out of back examination rooms like there is someone there, but when investigated, no one is there.

 The sound of a disembodied voice from check in/out area at closing time. “Get Out” was heard by 2 staff employees at the same time.

The first 2 hours were in black out areas of the office. EVP sessions in conference area began a series of noise reaction to our questions. We even requested for the entity to knock back to us and it did. We followed a series of sounds. Tiny, (William Elrod) heard the mumble sound of a person in the back offices next to the conference area. Upon entering the room the sound stopped, but could be heard from time to time when wondering around the back offices.

The check in/out area, the examination area, the bathroom and the blood drawing station was investigated as well. Upon investigation, we occurred to our equipment problems, which were unusual phenomena. It only affected the sound from only one person in the room. That person was me. It would take my voice and try to eliminate it from the video. This was after I did provoke the entity.

Heidi Ramirez was assigned the bathroom detail. She observed nothing unusual. Which may be a residual haunt, since the paranormal events only happen in the morning for the bathroom area? She had no problems with any door knobs turning while she was in the washroom. Although, she wasn’t actually using the washroom that the previous employees that had this unusual phenomena.

While at the blood drawing station, which is place of work for one of the entities, we did get some unusual sounds of knocks, slamming, and mumbles. This ex-employee had a frustration twist to his working life at this office. He was always busy and had a habit of show emotion frustration by throwing medical files. The funny thing is that the office is now changed over to a paperless system. Is this a site of a residual energy from this past employee? He did try to communicate with us via sounds of knocks, but was it actually him? I mean, they don’t wear name badges, and you are relying on them to leave a EVP to prove who they are.

The funniest part of our EVP session is that we uncovered another entity. This is of a woman. Who she is and how she is tied into the haunting, we have no idea. This would have to be the focus of our next investigation at this office.

Here is part one of our video “SEFGR's Investigation at Medical Office, part 1”

Next blog, we will conclude the Investigation into this medical office’s ghosts.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog #34 To Investigate a ghost that you know

A couple of weeks ago I went into my doctor’s office for our seasonal check up. Of course, because I a known “Fort Lauderdalian” due to PBS, Comcast and local papers I’m known as also the “ghost guy”. Which I often would be questioned about new cases or investigations that I’m doing at the present. This time the visit was different, the employees on the staff was a bit on edge. It was just a feeling that I got upon signing in for my visit.

I sat in the examining room and waited for the doctor. When she came in we went over what I was there for which is to see if I had any issues before doing my seasonal labs. She then mentioned that I was the perfect person to ask about something that has been happening in her medical office. These occurrences have been happening before, but now additional “creepy things” are now taking place.

It was known of a employee who passed away about 5 years ago, was blames for unusual noises and in the front end desk area. That was always a running joke amoungst the employees that have been there for years. The doctor confided with me the “noises” have increased dramatically and now is affecting their communication system in the office.

I asked about any recent deaths of employees and found out that another employee had passed away. He had left the office only 3 months prior and worked for a different doctor and had gotten a heart attack and die at his home. I was in shock when I learned who it was, because I knew this man and had joked and had serious conversations with him. I was sadden and then intrigued by the occurrences.

On several occasions when employee were alone in the office, either early morning or late evening, in the bathroom, while doing their business, something was jiggling the handles while they were in there. Of course the ladies that worked there would shout out, “I’m in here”. Upon exiting and checking the office they found out they were alone. This had happened to more than 2 employees at this very busy office.

The next is baffling due to what the entity is able to do. Late at night, when either the doctor or a single employee is in the office, the conference room phone would pick up and dial the blood lab phone and leave a message. The message was not of a voice, but of a sound. The sound of a heavy binder slamming to the floor or desk could be heard only seconds after the extension’s answering service would start. Then it would hang up.

The doctor showed me what would have to happen for this to occur. How the phone would have to be picked up or extension button depressed. Then dial the extension, wait for a ring, then the answering system, and then the slam with hang up. Whew, I thought, this was something that I have to witness myself. She told me that they did have the message, but the employees got so creeped out by hearing this slamming sound that they erased the message, only after the whole staff got a chance to hear it. This event happened more than once and the noises of a binder slamming happened to the doctor as she worked in her personal office. She went to the conference room to see what binder might have fallen. None could be found.

My doctor wants me to conduct an investigation into these occurrences. We both believe that it might be ex-employee/employees that could be doing this haunt. Although not considered a malevolent spirit, the events seem very practical joke like.

This case will be different for me due to that I know the employees that died that worked for this office. I might get some unusual EVP’s due to this and look forward to seeing what we will get. I’ll share them with you, my blog readers, about what the outcome of the investigation, when everything is in and gone over.