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Monday, September 14, 2009

Blog#7 Do ghosts see each other?

This is a question I get very often, which there is multiple answers. There really is no simple answer for this question, so I’ll try to give my viewpoint.

Some spirits could make communication with other spirits/ghosts if they are intelligent haunt there is an opportunity for them to see and hear each other There are some investigations where there is multiple ghosts in one locations. In those cases, I have used dousing rods for the spirit/spirits to let me know answers to questions. If there seem to be a relationship, good or bad, they tend to know each other exists in that ghostly plane or dimension. Here are some examples…..

In the Stranahan House, there is six spirits that roam the house property. Ivy Cromartie is the head of that house. Wife of Frank Stranahan, Ivy is a commented spirit to keep the relationship of those other family members and one little native girl that died on the premises. Unfortunately, she doesn’t communicate with her husband for a couple of reasons. First of all, he’s a “Residual Haunt”, which means he's caught in a loop. Forever having to do the same thing, over and over, committing suicide by drowning himself in the river in front of his own home. Ivy has communicated to us that she’s aware of Frank, but he’s still unforgiven for his act. He’s forever in the dog house in her ghostly eyes. Frank has never been picked up inside the house during our investigations. He is located outside, beside the river that claims his life. We did have one occasion when we caught a spirit of a man in a white on the second floor looking through the window, where the mannequin of Ivy is located.

I’ve gotten multiple EVPs that seem to have layers of spirits talking inside the Stranahan House. They become a mess for anybody who is trying to separate their voices and usually cannot be done. I’ve seen and heard of cases where in EVPs where a spirit will express their concern with another spirit inside the environment. Fear, pain, hate, and sound of screams can be heard when this “other spirit” comes in contact with the fearful ghost. Some residual haunting have the sound of that ghostly moment that keeps looping their tragic events. Murders are often heard this way. Screams of those pleading to stop the slaughter can be heard.

There are some cases of ghosts who are from different periods of time that haunt the same location. On these sites, we find that the spirits are totally unaware of each other. Centuries that separate them in time also separate them in the ghostly realm. It could be that they are residual and are caught in their own time of tragedy.

Now that I’ve given my view on this subject, here is the simple answer for that question. Sometimes it’s yes and sometimes it’s no.

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