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Friday, September 4, 2009

Blog #2 So you wanna do some cleansing?

I've been doing Ghost Research since 1998 and have met with many who have claimed to be haunted. They lived in a house or apartment for years without any disturbance and now for some reason they have a ghost or spirit. I always like to have interviews with clients who would like investigations just to see "what's up" in this person's life. Sure, we could always scan a structure and take 2 to 8 hours to investigate the property, but I always want to see, what's different than it was before to start the haunt to begin with.

Of course, the usual medical questions are first to be asked and sometimes gets a rise from the person who is being haunted. I quickly calm them, letting them know that some prescriptions might be the cause of their haunt. Feeling of being watched, paranoia, or creepy feelings can be due to reactions to medications. Many people don’t realize the reaction to prescription drugs with alcohol. “But it’s only a glass of wine”, may not excuse the drug from being the source of malcontent. Many new “anti-depressants”, when mixed with alcohol can cause hallucinations of dearly departed due to melancholy or post grieving periods. Needless to say, some people can be honest and some rather deceive the purpose of our interviews and want more concentration to the ghost, not them. Yet, if you are taking drugs and mixing alcohol and seeing dead grandma, well, I think I know why, but denial is high, literally!
 The next round of questioning comes from the person’s family tree. “Anyone recently passed away in your family or friends?” This can be the clincher question in the entire story, especially if the person is grieving a recent passing or loss. Always the brain can play tricks with our conscious and we must rule out “experiences” with actual “happenings”. If witness by another person in the room, it’s a “happening”. If witnessed by only one person, I label it a “experience”.

If evidence is produced, at the interview process, I will label it a “happening” till debunked.

Often, when the client finds out it may be dead grandma, lets say, I often get the question faster you can say “spit” on Friday, “Can you get rid of her?” Whew, I understand why, a dead relative watching you at some of your private moments. Which is usually not the case, but the mind does wander in those private moments, guilt sets in, and the client would like them removed like a palmetto bug in the middle of the night. I usually tell them that we don’t really remove spirits but sometimes can lead them to people that can handle that for them. I sometimes lead them to a website I made a long time ago on “Smudging”. This is a native, indigenous act of taking Sage smoke and cleansing the areas of your house.

Upon a death of a loved one we get these gifts that might be “Attachments”, which means an item that comes with a spirit attached to it. An antique that’s been handed down from generation to generations or up to the simple cuff links Uncle Joe left you. Attachments can be cleanse the same way, with Sage smoke. The ritual can be as spiritual as you want to be with the person doing the smudging. Self cleansing with the smudge smoke is recommended first to rid any negativity that might be attached to you. Then cleanse the area in a clockwise manner, making sure the windows, doors, draws, closets and any space for the spirit to hide won’t have any place left to go.

Here is an old website I own called “Shaman Speaks” Click on link below for ritual.

This is the Ritual online on Youtube. This video was not produced by SEFGR or John Marc Carr.

Let me warn you now, it does smell like Marijuana, but does not get you high in any way, shape or form. You may feel a relaxing sensation happen when smudging yourself or others due to the negativity being released from one’s soul as I would put it. Make sure to be careful when using fire of any nature. Glowing ambers have been known to causes fires, so please be careful.

Now, you are on your way on becoming your own ghost buster. We do not do this for a client unless there is an immediate danger to a child or one’s mental health.

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