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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog#9 Armed and Protected

When I tell people about what I do with SEFGR they often ask, “Do you bring some type of protection with you?” I would joke with them and say, “like a gun or a knife?”

I do bring a form of talisman with me. I was raised catholic, so there is usually a cross on my person upon entering a haunted environment. If I know it’s houses a poltergeist, I may have more, such as Holy Water.

I would keep a medicine bag in my pocket. It has a long cord so I can wear it around my neck at a moment’s notice. Medicine bags are very personal and each are different to attune or strength yourself with what medicine (power) you need. Certain stones are put inside that enhance your strength of protection. For a list of these stones I made a website a long time ago called “Shaman Speaks II” , here is the link. Click on link.
I also like to say a pray of protection, like the prayer for St. Michael

“Saint Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -

by the Divine Power of God -

cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,

who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


I often go to OurLadysWarriors.Org for prayers of support. I was raised catholic and this might not work for you and your own believes. Check with your clergy, spiritual advisor if you want to learn more about what might help to protect yourself. Mantras are used by the Hindus to raise the vibration levels. There are those who are Wiccan and they might want to wear a pentagram /pentacle. They also have talismans for all types of protection.

In some paranormal investigator groups they will sage to clear themselves of any negativity that they may have brought with them first. Then say a prayer of protection.
Here is a site I found that had lots of prayers of protection plus ones used by many ghost hunters.

Hope this is helpful for those who might need that assurance there is a Devine and we can tap into it and it can help up with our goals.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT and useful!!!! I have a lot to read here. Thank you John!
