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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shadow People

Black Shadow People


In haunted situations we come across this phenomenon called “Shadow People”. This is sometimes caught on film, video and personnel experiences. Many often see these figures from the corner of their eyes. The quick movement of the neck to see what it is doesn’t often give us any clues. There are some who believe these shadow people to be “angels”, “future observers” “E.T.’s” or “Space Aliens”, which I tend to not go to that and deal with what is at hand.
Shadow people tend to give off the same EMF as non-visible apparition. A spike occurs right before the appearance, then the EMF (Electronic Magnetic Field) will dissipate, but often with “Shadow People”, they remain. The only way I could explain it as something like a door that opens up, wind comes in, and then closes behind, and wind goes away. This flux in energy could be the manifestation part of a spirit which will gather ions in the atmosphere to be seen or move something.
Many witnesses explain a tingling feeling or the temperature will go down about 10 to 20 degrees. Hair will stand on end. Ears will prick up, and then they will see a spot that will grow larger from the point of appearance. If you ever got up from a horizontal position to a vertical one, many will get the same type of experience of a spot that grows larger in front of their eyes. Always remember that when interviewing your client, for debunking later. Many often see an outline of a man with a hat or a woman in her scarf. Often at the end of their beds watching them, but they seem never to touch. Often people will get “Old Hag Syndrome”, which is the paralysis that occurs and being able to observe them wandering around and even hearing what they have to say to you or others that they bring with them. This is most terrorizing for the frail of heart. The whole experience lasts a couple of minutes, but when the witness is finally freed, they are gone.
Malevolent ghosts would do the same, but often shown more than an outline or shadow. Could this be a malevolent ghost that could not form into a form? Some say they see a blob instead of humanoid type of shadow.
As we learn more about science and new particle cells which is now being found due advancements. We might learn something totally different. There is lots of information about “Shadow People”. Just google it.

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