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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog 31 What we’ve experienced at Haunted Fire Station No.3

Fire Station No.3 SEFGR event was great this past Halloween weekend. We had plenty people show up, which was fantastic because the Fort Lauderdale Fire Museum needed the funding. We did over $500 in ghost tours and investigation for the Fire Station No. 3. I am very pleased that our work did not go in vain.

On the first night of the ghost tours and investigations we had a couple of things happening. Girls who used the public bathroom were startled to hear the door handle of the stall would rattle while they were in the bathroom. Upon looking, they were truly alone. This was reported by 2 different people at separate times.

As we were going to do an investigation in the berthing area some strange stuff began to happen. As we moved from the first room to the next berthing room, a hand print was seen on the wall that wasn’t there before. It looked like a baby’s hand print. The entire hand print was less than 4 inch with trace outline of red liquid like substance which looked like candy, lollipop or popsicle residue.

Several people were reported to be touched by unseen hands on both nights. We did have communication via K2 device to one of the spirits. We tried to have the little girls cross over, but they were too scared to cross. Robert, of course, got very angry and became a presence in the room. It was quite evident that Robert was in control of that Fire Station.
He did the usual for me, which was to do the opposite of what I asked. If I told him to answer me, he would not, then I would say, “Ok, don’t answer me”, then he would answer. Truly not into doing what is asked of him. He did produce this shadow over by the doorway of the berthing area and in the fire truck bay and the end of a fire truck. At one point the shadow did move several times to a wall next to me, where several people saw the same shadow that night. Robert did try to cloak me, by putting this darkness around me. Almost like a blanket being thrown over my head. It was quite disturbing and I did get upset with him and told him to quit it, which he did.
The second night during the investigations we got lots of touching. Soft touches like a child trying to get attention. A patron kept threatening to leave due to being frightened by the unseen touches. Robert was still present for this investigation too. His shadow was seen at the end of the fire truck again during the last hour of Halloween’s event.
We still have to put together the video and sound up on the blog so those who attended can download and shift through the evidence that might lie there. SEFGR should have it all collected by next week for your view and listening pleasure.

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